Posted by Ranger Tugs on Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Reddening leaves and brisk breezes mark the ending of summertime. Whether or not you’ll have your boat on the water come wintertime, we can help you winterize your Ranger Tug to keep it in pristine condition through the chilly months.
Fundamentally, you’ll want to ensure all water is drained from each onboard system. If water remains in any system, it can freeze in cold temperatures and rupture lines and fittings. Winterizing is accomplished by blowing compressed air through each system and/or filling it with biodegradable RV antifreeze.
The following systems should be winterized before freezing weather sets in. Some Ranger Tugs models may not have all the following components:
To empty the potable water system, we use a tool developed at our factories consisting of an air compressor with a pressure regulator set to a maximum of 20 PSI, along with a quarter turn air valve and quad port connection to the potable water pump. Similar tools can be purchased online.
After emptying the potable water system with compressed air, pour pink RV antifreeze into shower drain until the pump begins to discharge overboard. Use a spotter to ensure discharge. If you have multiple showers onboard (including outdoor showers), this procedure should be repeated for each shower drain.
Seawater Head:
Freshwater Head - R-31 Only:
If winterizing a boat equipped with generators and air conditioning, the steps can vary depending on the type of seawater strainer. However, the end goal remains the same:
Watch the full episode of As the Prop Turns
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